Part I : Copyright

Unless otherwise indicated in Part II, “Acknowledgments,” this website,, and all the logos, text, information, figures, images, illustrations, photographs, videos, soundtracks and arrangements of these different elements are the property of Bernard Voyer Explorateur Inc. and are protected under the applicable legislation and regulations governing intellectual property and copyright protection in Canada and elsewhere in the world. The contents of this website, including in particular all the logos, text, information, figures, images, illustrations, photographs, videos, soundtracks and arrangements of these different elements, may not be copied, reproduced, printed, archived, re-edited, downloaded or uploaded, displayed, sold, transferred, transmitted, modified or otherwise disseminated, in whole or in part, on paper or any other known or future format, electronically or otherwise, without the PRIOR WRITTEN CONSENT of Bernard Voyer Explorateur Inc.

We are open to any proposal for the use of these texts, photos and videos, of course. Please feel free to contact us.


Part II: Acknowledgments

Bernard Voyer and Bernard Voyer Explorateur Inc. wish to express their sincere thanks to the organizations and individuals whose photos, videos and/or texts were made available to Bernard Voyer Explorateur Inc. for this website. We also wish to thank :


Photos :

Some photos on this website were taken by Sylvain Foster. They are subject to the same copyright protection as indicated in Part I. These photos may not be used for any purpose without their prior written consent. Please contact us and we will forward your request to the photographers and owners of the copyright on these photos.

Photos by Sylvain Foster:



  •  Perdre le Nord” /  “Losing the Northlecture: the film is taken from a documentary entitled Québec 2050, produced by Orbi-XXI (2007). For any questions or requests to use this video, contact the production company, Orbi-XXI.
  • Conférence scolaire” / “School group lecture”: this short film was produced by the 2nd Canadian Ranger Patrol Group as part of a summer training exercise for Junior Canadian Rangers (2013).


Part III: Contact  us

If you have any questions or comments about these conditions, please write us via our online contact form or mail us at Bernard Voyer Explorateur Inc. – 102-121 rue Elmire – Montreal, QC – H2T 1J9 – Canada